12th Level Intellect: Saga of the Swamp Thing #21: Identity Crisis!

This article was originally published at DC Infinite on June 2, 2014. The Saga of the Swamp Thing #21 marks Alan Moore’s first significant debut in American comics. When it was released in 1984, Moore had already been working in comics for more than five years (1) at publishers like IPC Media and Marvel UK, …

Classes Start Soon

This weekend Christina Blanch sent out the reading list for her five week online course, “Gender Through Comics”. It’s a helluva reading list too. It’s peppered with all sorts of high-level talent and comic classics, both new and old. The first week takes a look at the works of Terry Moore, featuring the first two …

Friday Follow Up – 03/08/2013

Here’s part two of my weekly comic reviews. These will be more rapid fire responses to new comics, usually no more than a paragraph, but enough that you can hopefully get a sense of what may or may not be of value and pipe up in the comments to tell me why I’m right or …