Exclusive Look at Nailbiter #11 and Riley Rossmo Variant Cover

This article was originally published at ComicBook.Com on March 10, 2015.  Image Comics has provided ComicBook.Com with an exclusive look at Nailbiter #11 and the variant cover by Riley Rossmo. Nailbiter #11 will be in stores on April 1st. Rossmo’s cover shown above is a beautiful encapsulation of both the issue and series. Everything from …

Rasputin #1 Reintroduces One of History’s Strangest Villains as a Hero (Advance Review)

This article was originally published at ComicBook.Com on October 24, 2014. Rasputin #1 introduces one of history’s favorite villains as the protagonist of a new series. It’s far from the first time that Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin has been reinvented for a comic, but this new take does stand out as something unique. The first issue …

Wednesday Checkup – 06/05/2013

Sorry about the lateness of this. I was informed this week at work that I will be going on rotations to a remote campsite in British Columbia (2.5 hour boat ride from the nearest town) starting next week, so I’ve been very busy. I will be doing my best to keep up with reviews and …

Weekly Checkup – 04/03/2013

Bedlam #6 “Bedlam” was a series that I was wary to try at first. Based on the blurbs and previews, it looked like a “dark and gritty” superhero book. It’s not that at all. Sure, it’s dark and there is a superhero, but it’s not wound up in the pretense of those elements. “Bedlam” has …

Friday Follow Up – 03/08/2013

Here’s part two of my weekly comic reviews. These will be more rapid fire responses to new comics, usually no more than a paragraph, but enough that you can hopefully get a sense of what may or may not be of value and pipe up in the comments to tell me why I’m right or …