Count Vertigo: The Hero at the Heart of Suicide Squad

This article was originally published at Comics Bulletin on September 15, 2016. It is a beautiful day. You are standing on the cliffside of an island with the sun setting behind you. Waves crash against the rocks beneath, sending salt into the air, while the verdant grass and bushes blow in the breeze. Out in …

The Suicide Squad: A Brief Introduction

This article was originally published at Comics Bulletin on August 3, 2016. The Suicide Squad movie premieres this week. It’s the unlikeliest of DC Comics’ properties to receive a major Hollywood promotion, beating the likes of Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman to the big screen. Nevertheless, here it is featuring A-list talents like Will …

The 5 Best Deadshot Stories So Far…

Deadshot is about to become a household name. The gun-wielding villain has come a long way since first appearing as a D-list villain dressed in a top hat and coattails in Batman #59. He’s gotten a much better costume, become an iconic member of multiple teams, moved into DC cartoons and live action TV shows, …

12th Level Intellect: Copra #1: Legacy of the Suicide Squad

The entity known as DC Comics has existed in various forms for more than 75 years. In that time, they have accumulated thousands of characters and printed tens of thousands comics. (1) The collective impact of this one company on the medium of comics is immeasurable. Starting with Action Comics #1, the world was introduced …

12th Level Intellect: The Wall

This article was originally published at DC Infinite on April 7, 2014. John Ostrander (1) made his debut at DC Comics plotting the 1986 mini-series Legends. The series was moderately successful, but served as a launching pad for Ostrander’s most popular comic series, Suicide Squad. In Legends Ostrander created a character that would not only …